sbeelis has 6450 Finds on 6450 unique Geocaches out of 6804 Total finds
(6450 Geocaches, 4 Benchmarks & 350 Waymarks)
Statistics generated on 2025-02-22
Complete and detailed statistics
With the latest changes to what is supported on the public profile page, the fancy and detailed statisticst generated by GSAK no longer work on For this reason, we have moved the
complete statistics generated by FSG to an external site where you can look at it in full details (but beware, it will take a while to load).
We are a family of four. Dad is a completionist technophile software engineer, good conditions for exhaustive cache hunts both near and far. The kids enjoy a good treasure hunt and tricking them into a sunday afternoon walk with the incentive of finding a cache is a great parental tool. They prefer boxes that are large enough to trade items. Mum usually comes in when both dad and kids just can't find a cache, she has the magic touch. We are typically caching on foot, by bike or public transport.
Our ranking at
Since November 2016, Dad has joined the volunteer reviewer team for Switzerland and Liechtenstein where he reviews caches under the name of
Schüpfen is a village in the "Seeland" district of the canton of Berne in Switzerland. It has a population of a little under 4'000 and is 15 minutes by train from Berne. Since the beginning of 2016, Schüpfen has become our new home.
Berne is the capital of Switzerland and has a population of roughly 130'000 making it Switzerland's fourth largest city. Bern's historic old town is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Berne was our home until the end of 2015 and still is the place where dad works and where many of our friends live.
Visitor origin

Stats generated by FindStatGen3 V4.6.22 by rutson and lignumaqua, running on
GSAK v9.0.0.14
Themes from pisg
by Morten Brix Pedersen and FormicaPL
Statistics generated in 10 seconds.
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Creative Commons License